About this weather station:
Latitude: | 44° 53.22' N |
Longitude: | 123° 00.92' W |
Altitude: | 327 feet |
This station uses a SDR, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
Weewx uptime: 25 days, 5 hours, 47 minutes
Server uptime: 25 days, 5 hours, 47 minutes
weewx v4.9.1
Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: | 06:37:56 AM |
Sunrise: | 07:07:43 AM |
Transit: | 12:25:57 PM |
Sunset: | 05:44:51 PM |
End civil twilight: | 06:14:40 PM |
Azimuth: | 331.9° |
Altitude: | -53.8° |
Right ascension: | 332.0° |
Declination: | -11.5° |
Equinox: | 03/20/2025 02:01:14 AM |
Solstice: | 06/20/2025 07:42:18 PM |
Rise: | 11:22:25 PM |
Transit: | 03:45:57 AM |
Set: | 09:04:01 AM |
Azimuth: | 111.7° |
Altitude: | -0.5° |
Right ascension: | 210.8° |
Declination: | -16.2° |
New moon: | 02/27/2025 04:44:45 PM |
Full moon: | 03/13/2025 11:54:35 PM |
Phase: | Waning gibbous (72% full) |